Rooftop bar Rotterdam
Rooftop-grade: 6/10
Prime season: May - Sept
Residents: 630 000
Climate: temperate oceanic
Which are the best rooftops in Rotterdam? This complete guide will help you find the very best ones. While not one of the larger or major cities in the world, central Rotterdam still has quite a modern city center with many high-rise buildings. This is also the area where you find most of the rooftop bars, some right in the city center and some more towards the river front.
All information about Rotterdam’s rooftop bars can be found under each rooftop. Here we list opening hours, dress code, price range, food, pictures, information, social media links, map, website, hotel reservation and so on. Here's a great guide to things to do in Rotterdam.
About Rotterdam
Rotterdam is Netherland's second largest city with about 630 000 inhabitants. The city is located quite close to the Atlantic Ocean, but is not really on the coast. However, several rivers leading in and out of the city makes it feel very much like a coastal city. It is also Europe's largest port.
Rotterdam is also known for its Erasmus University, the Erasmus Bridge and for its football team, called Feyenoord, the first Dutch club to win the UEFA Cup.
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